This web page is truly a collective effort for the conservation and protection of Dingoes in the wild and in human cohabitation - with all areas of care and related issues connecting to the Dingo being our prime concern.

We are for the Dingo - not the Ego

All information, testimonials, scientific data, public submissions and links on a very broad scale will create and send a message to the community giving a greater understanding all round of the Dingo.

We are intent on changing draconian perceptions! Creating an educational positive highlighting the great importance the dingoes role plays in our Australian ecosystem. Our Association operation and path is set to create the united front for the protection and conservation of the Dingoes - Australian's top Lion King. We are a broadminded collective with a common denominator - the catalyst being the Dingo. Raptors, Reptiles and other wildlife link and combine to gain greater credibility to gain an equilibrium of balance in our wildlife.


Protect and save dingoes in the wild in WA and throughout Australia. Also give protection to the dingoes and their keepers when the animals are kept in captivity as pets.


The association was founded in 2005 from people who dearly love and care about dingoes.

WA Dingo Association

Email info@wadingo.com


PO Box 773 Gosnells, WA, 6990